Personal Development: Health & Fitness

Personal Development: Health & Fitness

Health & Wellness


Physical Fitness

Our Health and Wellness plays a vital role in how we show up in Life. Regardless of age, it is our job to stay consistent with our physical health because overtime, ignoring our needs may lead to physical ailments, such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Bad Breathing
  • Backaches
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Type II Diabetes 
  • +much more


What are ways you keep yourself motivated to maintain your health? Some helpful tips:

  • Keep a Calendar and/or Journal Handy: this will keep you accountable
  • Set Goals : to keep you focused and on track
  • Accountability Partner: Share your goal with someone you trust, so that they can support you along your journey 



In addition to our Physical Fitness, we must tend to our nourishment with much more care and dedication. Ever heard the saying "You are what You Eat"?  It's important we fuel our bodies more consistently with what it needs, so that it can function they way we want it too.

Poor Eating Habits may lead to:

  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Obesity
  • Osteoperosis
  • Depression
  • +much more

What are ways you keep yourself motivated to maintain your nutrition? Some helpful tips:

  • Meal Prepping: Saves so much time during the week and keeps you on track. You can get creative with this!
  • Mindful Food Shopping: Write your down your list to keep you on track of what you Need
  • Mind over Matter: Simply learning to say "No" to what isn't Good for You.

What are your Health Goals?

If you're looking for guidance or mentorship for your Health journey, consult with Tiffany. Here at Surreal Beauty, we offer Personal Development sessions. 

*Schedule and set up your free Consultation session with Tiffany to discuss your plans and goals for your Brand. Together, we will select the best package that fits You.


Schedule your Free Consultation using this Link:


*Contact to Inquire about Sessions, Package Deals, or  any Questions @:




Author: Tiffany Okieme

 Surreal Beauty by Tiffany

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